Time To Let Go

And no, I will not lend any reference to the children's movie about two sisters and an ice-covered kingdom. In this post, I want to discuss the art of removing yourself from situations that no longer suit you, or releasing your grip on the things and ideas that act as emotional crutches.

I've reached an interesting point in my life where I have been presented with several crossroads, almost simultaneously. Since the beginning of the year, I have had to heavily reevaluate my stances on certain friendships, intimate partnerships, career choices, and levels of personal comfort as they relate to the immediate world around me. The common theme that ties of all these subjects together is letting go, and how I had understand that transcending my "safe" routines would ultimately lead to my liberation.

The key component, I feel, in all of this is the human intuition and how we have to learn to trust it's connection to the Divine will. Faith and fear cannot exist in the same space. Therefore, if following your intuition is an act of faith, harboring fear blocks that third chakra energy and poisons the faith. How many times has your gut told you to go one way, and you refused because you were uncertain? How many times have you been in a partnership that was harmful to your overall well-being, but stayed because you were afraid to let go? How many times have you kept a job that made you miserable because you were unsure of what resided on the other side of moving on?

Letting go is more than just the act of physical dismissal; it is also the act of allowing your spirit to move forward with the natural cycle of life - change. When we let go of toxic relationships, awful jobs, and even items that clutter our homes and minds, we must also reconcile with our emotions and check in with our spirits in order to truly feel the freedom associated with the experience. No act of disconnection is easy, but our intuitive guidance allows us the space to enhance our lives by shedding stifling circumstances and moving freely into the unknown - trusting that the Divine will is our protector.

To heal is to let go; to let go is to grow. Do not block your blessings by holding on to what's safe. Surrender your fear to the Divine, and I promise you abundance. *heart emoji*

- K.