so, i'm making a web series! pt. 1 - wtf


It's actually really nice to get back into blogging. As I dove in to update my website for a fresh ~summer lewk~ the other day, I realized that I haven't written a damn thing since 2016.

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2016, girl? 2016???

Yeahhh, I haven't put my fingers to keyboard for something other than an email or an amazon search in two years. Granted, I have been doing a lot of work from my phone lately (coughI'dloveaniPadthocough), but the point is.. I haven't written in a long time and I'm ready to get back into it.

Honestly, a big part of what kept me away is anxiety. That feeling that my ideas aren't good enough to share, or that I'm under experienced, or that someone would find a problem with what I've written somehow. It was suffocating to be so worried about what other people would think of me or how they would perceive my work. And, the thing is, it's still suffocating; it's still terrifying. I won't pretend that I've totally gotten over that. The only difference now is that I'm pushing through and taking the space I deserve. No more hiding in the shadows for me! - she proclaimed from her dimly lit work area..

So, in the vein of taking the space that I deserve and casting out fear of other people's opinions, I decided to move forward with the web series I started writing in 2016. (I definitely lied when I said I'd only been using my keyboard for emails and online shopping. Just go with the hyperbole, okay?) I'm... excited, I'm nervous, I'm proud as hell of myself for taking on my biggest and most intimidating project to date. There are going to be a lot of ups and downs, but I am so ready to start this journey. Well, I already am on it. If I wasn't ready, then I'm in for a rude awakening.

In this blog series, I want to discuss what lead me to create this work in the first place. I want to travel deeply into the concepts I intend to explore, and I want to share with you all the ways that this project is extremely personal for me. As I grow as an artist, I want to continue to step into vulnerability and truth - probably the scariest thing to do as a human in this world. Think of this series as a written BTS chronicle - that's "behind the scenes" for folks not hip to filmmaking lingo.

I wish to thank everyone who plans to follow my writing, and I wish to thank everyone who will end up bingeing it later. Stay tuned for the next update! I'd love for it to be weekly, but we'll see. I'll be sure to let you know when it happens. Until then, much love! Talk soon.

- KD

P.S. - Be sure to follow my web series' IG page for fun updates and shenanigans: @themfeels.series