Choosing Happiness Over Strain &Drain


I've learned a lot in my time living away from home. I've learned that some of the best friends can be made in an audition room, I've learned that dollar pizza comes through in the clutch, and I've learned that any day can be the weekend, if you put your mind to it.

The most compelling lesson of all, however, was to take time to actually enjoy my youth and to only seek out things that are fulfilling and not draining. This may sound like an unrealistic, spoiled, millennial concept, but hear me out before you write me off.

I am by no means well-off (at the moment!). Now, I could give a laundry list of how my life isn't a stroll in the park, but I don't want to miss the point. Bottom line is, I have to constantly be moving and working if I am to survive. Every move has to be carefully planned; most times I'm one decision away from knocking over the house of cards that is my young adult progress. Life can very overwhelming and dizzying, but in that, I still have to be able to find my joy. I cannot lose sight of bliss in the pursuit of my goals.

Oftentimes, we feel like we have to remain stuck in situations that suck the life right out of our bodies. I've had jobs that I dreaded going into, I've had lovers that I dreaded coming home to, I've had non-paying artistic gigs that I have reluctantly accepted.. And for what? All for the sake of committing to this life of "doing whatever it takes". Honestly, I've moved beyond that.

One thing we can't forget in this life is to take a breath and move forward intuitively. It's very easy to get caught up in the external shuffle of 'adulthood', yet somehow hard to actively feed our happiness. Luckily, through several experiences, I have learned to quickly identify what drains me. Sure, eliminating unfulfilling things from my life may mean less money or being single for undetermined amounts of time, but I'd truly choose my peace of mind over the crushing expectations of the world.

I challenge you all to identify what drains you, and to figure out a game plan that will lead you to liberation. It will be very hard at first, perhaps even terrifying, but I promise life is more worth living when you're emotionally, mentally, and spiritually at your best. The law of attraction works better that way, believe me.

- K.